Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Happy birthday, Trish!!!

w/ birthday girl at Las Flores

One of my closest friends is Trisha
If I met her 16 years ago, for sure she would be my bridesmaid
We met at the gym 8 years ago and has since then become good friends

It helps that her relatives are also friends of mine, by other circumstances
Manila IS small!

Every year, it has become our tradition to celebrate her birthday, just the two of us
And of course, she's always present in my annual birthday get together, except for that one year she missed

It's always easy being with her
There's just never a dull moment
And what I like about her
Whenever I talk and she just listens
She really does
Like one time years ago when I was looking at a school for my son
She texted and told me some options, but that was way after I told her
Just goes to show she listens and was actually thinking about it

To Trish, a happy, happy birthday, belated as it may be
Always wishing you the best!

Til the next!


  1. One chic lady with equally chic friends! Belated happy birthday to your friend Trish....Marie

  2. Aww, thanks, Marie.

    Will tell her.
