Saturday, May 18, 2013

Thank you, Kristine Dee!!!

Last Thursday, I got a real nice and a real surprise from jeweller, Kristine Dee
I only met her once when I covered her event almost 2 years ago, I think
and I was so surprised when she texted and asked for my address and sent me what she wrote about

I am super touched with kind and thoughtful gestures such as this one
And also humbled how small moments, candid conversations affect others

I am humbled how people have often told me how my ways, blog,  actions,  words and  life have affected them positively
I am humbled and honoured
And please know that this is not about me
but living our life to glorify the One up there

In fact, another friend of mine just signed up to teach too!!!
I am so happy for her and know that it will change her life and others' tremendously

It can get taxing at times, tiring
But always, always, fulfilling
And though I sometimes feel the stress
I know that when I say no, I would regret it

Thank you, Krisitne and for touching me with this sweetest, unexpected gesture of yours.

God bless you more!


  1. So well-deserved. I am even more intrigued to meet you in person!...Marie
