Tuesday, October 25, 2011

My biggest party yet!

before the troops came

Wii party with some yayas watching over

2 weeks ago, I hosted the biggest party yet for my youngest's birthday

All his classmates came, save for 3, don't worry, there're only 16 of them

but boy, was I on my toes!

They had absolutely lots of fun

and it was amazing how seeing them happy makes all the stress worthwhile

My son had such a great time

And so did his friends

And the icing on the cake, for the designer in me

I was amazed how boys their age

appreciated the house and its design

Wow, kids nowadays are really sophisticated

This is why we moved to a bigger place

So my kids can invite friends

and enjoy the space

Really heartwarming seeing them happy in our home

Can't wait for the next party!

Enlightened perspective

my own photography during our group exhibit at Silverlens

Want to share these words which I took from the parish bulletin of Santuario de San Antonio.
Written by Andy Rooney, hope they inspire your everydays...

I've learned ...
That when you're in love, it shows

I've learned...
That just one person saying to me, "You've made my day!" makes my day

I've learned...
That having a child fall asleep in your arms is one of the most peaceful feelings in the world

I've learned...
That being kind is more important that being right

I've learned...
That you should never say no to a gift from a child

I've learned...
That I can always pray for someone when I don't have the strength to help him in some other way

I've learned...
That one should keep his words both soft and tender, because tomorrow he may have to eat them

I've learned...
That a smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks

I've learned...
That everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth
occurs while you're climbing

I've learned...
That the less time I have to work with,
the more things I get done.

Enjoy your Wednesday!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Through the years...

w/ Eva Estrada-Kalaw

at an art exhibit

last year's Swiss Day with the Swiss Ambassador, Swiss deputy amb and their wives

w/Raymond Rufino at MUJI opening

Red Cross Ball 2010 w/ Lor Calma & his daughter

despedida for Curtis Chin, Executive Director, ADB

at an engagement party

w/ Florence Ko at Firma

w/ my friends around 16 years my junior, Olivia D'aboville & Steph Kienle

I am just glad I always document and take photos of all the events I go to

They really bring back sweet memories and special times

Here's to more KODAK moments...

Hope you had a great weekend!

w/ college schoolmate, David Celdran

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Ooops, better photo


Beautiful museum pieces

Happy weekend!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Am alive!

Yup, I've been neglecting the blog, been so busy, too tired to post

Had lunch yesterday at Restaurant 101 in Enderun with my painting classmates

We were not complete but enjoyed every minute.

Happy midweek!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Happy birthday, love!

Can't believe how much my baby has grown
All his pajamas have gotten shorter
I asked him, is it you or they shrunk in the washing machine?

Happy birthday to the one who fills my days with gentleness and warmth
Who kisses me while am asleep
Like some kind of Prince Charming
Who calls me when I'm out just to say where are you, I miss you
Who worries when I even trip
And made me like ice cream because of the concoctions he's made

The one without fail calls me beautiful everyday
And inspires me to always be my best
Happy birthday to the one I adore so much
Who makes my days complete
And leaves me with something to smile about everyday

To that one who makes me proud I was blessed to be his Mom

Happy birthday, my love

My profile portrait

We're doing profiles
No model, just drew her from instinct

Have a good day!

Is there an unselfish deed?

Today's Wednesday
Am on my 2nd year of teaching CCD (Continuing Catholic Development)
Last year, I thought will just try it out
Since my son was anyway going too
If you read the blog regularly
You remember how nervous I was about teaching kids
After awhile, you gain confidence
You get your own style
You get your groove
And you get to know and love the students
It then becomes easier, fulfilling

When I signed up again this year
My hubby asked, he thinks I sign up for too many pro bonos
I said, yea, am enjoying it
And part of it is am saving up points
til I get to that desired destination
the one that doesn't involve credit card points, haha

So today, it was raining so hard
And I just let go of my driver so no one to drive me
Such a shallow predicament, you might say
But in Manila, it can be if you're used to it

Was I tempted not to go, yes
Especially since it was raining bad
And my son's varsity practice got cancelled
So he's home early
It was tempting to stay home and be comfortable
and not take a cab

But then, one's gotta do, what one has to do
The guard got me a cab, no problem
Off I went to class
I even had another class join in cause their teacher was absent

I taught, we discussed, had activities, played games
Class ended
Mom came over to me and said her daughter always looks forward to CCD class
Another mom said, her daughter said she has the best teacher
Is it worth it?
You bet it is!

So while in the cab going home
I thought, it was worth going to class today
I enjoyed it
I feel good
Which made me think of that episode in Friends about doing an unselfish thing
When we do good things, we feel good, does it become a selfish act?
Nah, we do it without the intention of feeling good, it is after the unselfish act is done
that the good feeling comes in

Whether unselfish acts turn to selfish satisfaction
I want to look at it as a win-win situation

Happy middle of the week!

Sunday, October 2, 2011


At an event

Have a good week ahead!