Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Ma'am, si Pastor

Well, I really don't have any photo to share with this post
Just something funny that happened to me
Probably, those living in Western countries can't relate as much
but folks in Manila would

While I was quietly on the computer checking e-mails
and at the same time on the phone with my son's school
Our helper comes to me and says
"Ma'am, may naghahanap sa'yo, si Pastor"
(Ma'am, someone's looking for you, a Pastor)

Of course, I, reacted, first of all, the guards here know
how I'm a stickler for protocol and they didn't call that I had a guest
2, I was in a vulnerable state of being in my houseclothes
And 3, which pastor? I'm Catholic, what do they need from me (hahaha)

So, on the verge of calling the guards
and complaining to ask why they sent someone up without calling
I figured, wait a minute, if they didn't call (okay, I should've given them more credit)
that means this pastor has access to come in
Ah, it's not pastor, it's Ambassador!!! hahaha

So, rightfully so, when I opened the door, it was my very gracious, sweet,
thoughtful neighbor just saying hi to me 'cause she hasn't seen me in a while (how cute is that?)
She also met someone who wanted to say hi
Small world, it was one of our godfathers in our wedding whom we lost contact with and now
we can stay in touch through her, wow, the way of the world

Moral of the story is
That's why I don't always believe everything I hear
and it is a small world for my neighbor to know our Ninong (godfather) in our wedding.

Smile, and keep your sense of humor.

Enjoy the day!

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