Saturday, December 3, 2011

Another surprise

sweet note from Anna & Raymond

Oh my gosh! I love this book!!!

For those who know me

You know how I enjoy entertaining

and every process that goes with it

So when my old neighbor and good friend, Anna Palabyab-Rufino

was planning her baptismal party for her second son

I volunteered to help

And what's more, the event will be at Enderun

so food was taken care of

Fast forward to today

I was quietly decorating for Christmas

Got a text from Anna asking if I was home

and that her driver's on the way to bring something

She also thoughtfully asked how my eldest was

since he has sore eyes

and Anna's a doctor

To my surprise

when I saw their gift, I literally got teary eyed!

I love entertaining and love books about it

During our preparation for the baptism

I was telling her how I came up with the idea of a kris kringle

with my biological family

and my wishlist is this book

To cut the story short, what started as my idea

turned out to be a gazillion other ideas from my family (yea, we're all opinionated)

So we just decided not to do kris kringle since everyone wanted their way

My kids then were planning to give me this

when they saw it, they're like, Mom, what will we give you now? haha

Thank you, Anna & Raymond

and though you shouldn't really have 'cause I wanted to do it for Francesco

I am grateful and appreciative

Receiving books is on top of my wishlist

you open the gift over and over again

and remember the giver and your relationship

everytime you do

What can I say

despite us not being neighbors anymore

We're still always there for each other.

Congratulations on a lovely event and an even lovelier gift of family!

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