Monday, September 20, 2010

How do you throw away a memory?

Started sorting through stuff to get ready for the move
Lots brought back old memories
Some I kept cause it brought a soft spot in my heart
Some cause it signifies a special time in my children's childhood
I got quite sentimental with it
After moving homes for 3 short of my fingers
Am quite good at giving away stuff
But some made it through the years
not getting edited
Maybe it was a gift from someone special
A special time
Or something that just holds a great story

Whatever it is
I had to depart with a lot of them
Always consoling myself
that it would find a better home
Not in a box of storage
but where it can make another child happy

As I'm writing this now
I feel very sentimental
Especially since we've lived overseas
I've given birth away from home
I raised my kids away from my biological family
These memories keep me in those special times
where I learned a lot
and matured into what I am today

Through all the bittersweet emotion
I have to let go
As I have to be unselfish
and make them useful to someone else

And if I want to go forward
then I have to learn to not always look backward
Future's bright
Even for these toys

Keep spreading joy

Thanks for the memories


  1. so true Rachel! we just have to learn to let go sometimes!

  2. Hi Rach! Sometimes we have to part with things we can touch, but we get to keep them in our hearts as memories. ;) Borrowing from The Little Prince's Wolf: What is essential is invisible to the eye. (But as for us, we can always take photos.)
