Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Blue without you

photo credit : my 8 year-old
I seem to be wearing a lot of blues lately.
Pardon the blurry, not so focused shots, the one behind the lens is my 8 year-old.
He had better things to do but Mom just had to ask him to do a mini photo shoot, he complied, not without hesitation and here's the end product.

Was busy today, did the usual grocery shopping then had a meeting with the architect. Quite exciting, actually. Can't wait to decorate the space.
Will show more in the next post.
Gotta get ready for my massage.
Time to chill out and relax....


  1. can't wait to see your place when it's finished. the high ceiling is amazing already! - GB

  2. Hi Gracie, thanks! Was good to see you at Home Cafe but when I looked you were gone, didn't have time to chat. Hope all's well with the pregnancy. :)
